
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Book Read: REWORK

Few days back, I finished reading an awesome book, REWORK by Jason Fried and David Hansson, the founders of 37signals. The book provides a lot of insights, tips and rules on getting things done and how to do them in a right way among various other tips for entrepreneurs for building culture and grow your company. Its a great read not only for entrepreneurs but anyone who deals with everyday tussle of planning, building and shipping things.

There are a bunch of amazing advices in this book and hence a must read specially for software engineers. After reading the book, I wanted to take few notes that I can refer later on and so instead of hiding them in Evernote, I thought of blogging it and make it available to everyone.

This is not a comprehensive list and does not reflect the book entirely, so you should definitely read the book. Below are some of the chapters and their summary in my words:

Build half a product and not a half-assed product
In other words, think of adding enough business value to your product iteratively rather than throwing it out with all the bell and whistles that your users might not even need them. Also, this allows you to ship things fast, get the feedback and build upon that feedback. 

The feedback from users is so important that it can influence your own plans and overall vision of the product. So make it short and better, and ship it!

Good enough is fine
Instead of thinking about complex solutions for complex problems, first come up with something simple. As we do during the interviews for a new position, we always tend to tackle the problem with a 'naive' solution and then build on that to come up with a better solution. Most of the times, the simple solution is good enough for even a complex problem and the best part is you can come up with a simple solution and try it out very quickly. If its all good, we have solved the problem without much efforts. And if it does not work, then we can always add on and work on better solutions.

As in Amazon we say, don't get bogged down in analysis-paralysis, think of a simple solution; it is always better.

Long lists don't get done
Never have long lists of things to do, rather break them up into smaller lists based on the context. When we look at longs lists, we get demoralized on the first look itself and it keeps on adding to our guilt of not getting done so many things. If the lists are small, one has a good chance of prioritizing them well and actually get them done.

You need less than you think
Again, as we do and believe at Amazon: Be Frugal. Most of the times, we can ship things and get things done with less resources and use only what we need. How is that possible? Well, if you have less resources to worry about, you will have more time to concentrate on the right and core thing to do and you will actually get it done. 

For example, ask questions like: 
Do you really need ten people or will you get it done with three or two or just one?

Do you really need a big office or can you share your office space for a while?

ASAP is poison
Whenever someone wants to get anything done, its always ASAP. This says nothing about the priority when all the tasks has to be done ASAP. As the authors says, when everything is high priority, nothing is. This just creates artificial stress, which leads to burnout and worse. So this should be reserved only for true emergent situations, for everything else just chill out.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Get things done: My setup

I have been using slightly twisted version of GTD for my everyday tasks as well as for my long term goals for last 8 months, and it has been a great ride. I want to share my overall setup of my GTD system and then the each piece of the setup in more details. In this post, I am going to explain my overall setup of the GTD system.

Before I dig in, let me put my requirements and use-cases so that one can understand why my setup exists:
  1. I should be able to follow GTD not strictly but with modifications as per my needs.
  2. I should be able to use just one system to track my daily tasks as well tasks for my long term goals.
  3. I should be able to use the same system for my home and office tasks, but still be able to separate them so that I don't endup caring about the office-related tasks at home (for the most part).
  4. The tasks should be backed-up in cloud as well as on the client side.
  5. I should also see my scheduled tasks in my iOS/OSX calendar.
  6. All parts of the system are always in sync.
  7. Lastly, I don't mind to shell out some limited amount of dollars for the setup.
I know! A long and complex list of use-cases to begin with.

To get things done my way, I have tried a lot of apps and services that claims to do GTD. Most of them were good but either they won't fit into my requirements or they were simply not following any version of GTD! I won't name all the options that I tried as they as a lot of them and also does not serve the purpose of this post which to share my existing and working solution.

After trying out a number of options, I finally stick to these apps/services:
  • 2Do (iPhone and Mac app)
  • Toodledo (cloud backup/sync)
  • iOS/OSX Calendar
And this how I set them up to meet all my above requirements:
    My GTD setup

I found 2Do allowed me to modify and use my own version of GTD as the app provides a lot of flexibility and options to tweak the process. I will go deeper into my tweaked GTD process using this app in a future post, but for now I will just post my complete system setup.

2Do does provide a lot of options to sync the tasks using multiple cloud services like DropBox, iCloud and Toodledo. I chose to go with Toodledo, as it fit nicely with 2Do and also allows me to get the tasks to show up in my Calendar apps.

So when I add tasks using 2Do on my iPhone and/or Mac, it gets synced with Toodledo. Then once you add Toodledo as ICS subscription to the Calendar/iCal, you can view all the scheduled tasks in your calendar as well. I use 2Do on my iPhone primarily for tracking my non-office tasks while the one on my Mac for my office tasks even though I keep both in sync and can see, add and edit them on either iPhone and Mac. But in order to separate myself from office work while at home, I have tweaked the system so that I don't worry or even see most of my office tasks on my iPhone.

This setup has worked wonders for me, keeping me up to date of all my tasks no matter where and how I add them.

Let me know in comments if you have used similar setup and have suggestions on how to make it even better.